About Me

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i'm 18, i am single ;) ;) i'm a vegetarian :) i work at safeway, i love to read :) i'm pretty much a nerd. i do not support our current president, i am conservative. i like to study and learn new things, i'm super social and love to meet new people :) so feel free to comment on my blogs :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

so, i'm single. any prince charmings out there....(i also just got out of jail)

SO! listen to myyy day. so i was in town when someone tells my my boyfriend OF FOUR YEARS has had a girlfriend. i get her number call her and tell her to meet me at his work. she tells me that they had sex LAST NIGHT!!! we had sex THIS MORNING. So, God knows I could have some nasty std. ugh. so this means he has been lying to me for two weeks now. piece of shit. so i comfront him at his work and he gets in my face ans grabs me and goese to hit me and i'm yelling so he gets me to my breaking point and i punch him for doing what he did and hit him before he hit me. because he has a violent past. i mean, how fucked up could you get. he spits at me and pushes me and i slap him. big deal. his mommy calls the police and files domestic assault charges. so i got arrested at work and taken to jail. the people were hekka nice =] but i so don't like jail. the whole time all the police men, my bail-man, my co-workers, my family all said i did the right thing and he deserves more and they would have done the exact same thing, if not worse. i mean, how low can a boy go? to spit at a girl and push her. he has hit me so many times before. i never filed anything. no one believed that i was the one to end up in the jail cell. so stupid. i mean if you found out your boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife was having sex with another person, you don't just walk away calmly...no. i hate him more than anything. and he will regret this and live with it for the rest of his life. me on the other hand, well, i'm moving on. i'm moving out with my friend. and i am going to find my real price charming.


  1. Good for you that you are leaving him. I know so many people that forgive the guy and you probably know how that ended.
    So good luck!

  2. I'm so sorry, especially since you have written many blogs about how happy you have been with him. But even if he had not cheated on you, you shouldn't even allow yourself to be in a situation/relationship where someone is hitting you. I don't mean to sound like a therapist or get into your personal business, but every woman deserves better than that. You have done the right thing.
